Van Phuc Loc Law Firm has 10 years of experience in the field of regular legal consultancy for FDI enterprises, state-owned enterprises.

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In the process of operation, enterprises face many legal risks, which may arise from many different sources such as: changing legal regulations, internal disputes, disputes with partners or customers, disputes related to labor and employment… To limit these risks, businesses need good corporate law lawyers to help detect and eliminate legal risks. Regular legal consultancy services are an effective solution to help businesses solve arising legal problems quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

VPL with 10 years of experience has provided regular legal consultancy services to businesses operating in many fields such as:

  • Group of enterprises engaged in manufacturing: furniture, wood processing, packaging, electronics, textile industry, machinery and equipment production, mechanics, food processing …
  • Business group on industrial real estate, construction.
  • Business groups providing technology and advertising services.

Our clients are mainly FDI enterprises, state-owned capital enterprises. In addition to being good at legal, our lawyers are knowledgeable about clients’ products and services, market trends, industry competition, organizational structure of businesses, thereby having effective legal solutions to help businesses develop sustainably.


  • Investment law consultancy: Consultancy on setting up investment projects, applying for new investment registration certificates, adjusting changes in investment project contents, extending and terminating investment projects, transferring investment projects…

  • Corporate law consultancy: Advising on the establishment of branches, representative offices, business locations. Change of enterprise information, merger, transfer, dissolution of the enterprise. Provide legal secretarial services to members’ councils and boards of directors. Advising on resolving conflicts and disputes within the company related to contributed capital and shares.
  • Advising on applying for sublicenses for conditional business lines.
  • Contract consultancy: Advising on drafting and reviewing contracts. Assist in negotiating and negotiating business contracts, labor contracts, sales contracts and other types of contracts.
  • Labor law consultancy: Advising on labor regulations, social insurance law, drafting labor contracts, confidentiality agreements, working regulations, salary and bonus regimes, dismissal. Advising on resolving labor-related disputes. Foreign worker consultancy: work permit, temporary residence card, visa…

  • Real estate consulting: Advising on purchase, sale, lease, land lease, land use rights, land disputes, and real estate-related matters. Advising on procedures for issuance of land use right certificates, application for ownership of assets attached to land, separation and consolidation of land use rights, change of land use purposes.
  • Criminal law consultancy: Advising on criminal legal issues for liability as a legal entity related to tax, commodity, environmental, fire protection laws.
  • Competition law consultancy: Consulting competition-related regulations and consumer protection.
  • Tax law consultancy: Assist in complying with tax regulations, optimizing taxes, and solving legal issues related to tax, tax finalization, tax declaration, tax refund.
  • Intellectual property legal consultancy: intellectual property rights protection, trademark registration, copyright, patent.
  • Consulting other legal regulations such as environment, fire protection, bidding …



Basic  package


A month

Consultation time 5 hours


Professional package


A month

Consultation time 10 hours


Prosperity package


A month

Consultation time 25 hours



Dịch Vụ Luật sư tư vấn cho cá nhân, doanh nghiệp


  • A phone call and email from VPL’s Legal Department
  • A confidentiality statement for the information you provide
  • An appointment with a VPL lawyer
  • The right solution for the needs of your enterprise
OR CONTACT HOTLINE:0247 650 7999


    Learning about regular legal consulting?

    Regular legal consulting for enterprises is a service that provides enterprises with continuous and regular legal, support throughout the operation of the enterprise. This service includes consulting, guiding, and answering questions about legal issues related to the business activities of the enterprise.

    When enterprises use VPL’s regular legal consultancy services, VPL’s experienced lawyers will represent customers to work with partners when authorized by customers.

    After receiving dossiers and requests from enterprises, within 24 working hours, VPL will give consulting to customers through forms such as phone, email, issuance of legal opinions in writing,… For complex things that need time to study documents, VPL will notify the time to respond to consulting comments to enterprises.

    Using regular legal consulting services for enterprises brings many benefits to enterprises, including:

    • Helps enterprises comply with the law, avoid violations of the law and legal risks.
    • Help enterprises make the right business decisions, in accordance with the law.
    • Help enterprises protect their legitimate rights and interests.
    • Helps enterprises save time and costs in business activities.

    Regular consulting areas for enterprises include:

    • Consulting on business law, including consulting on business establishment, changing business registration content, business dissolution,…
    • Consulting on contract law, including consulting on drafting, signing, implementing and terminating contracts.
    • Labor law consulting, including consulting on recruitment, dismissal, labor discipline,…
    • Tax legal consulting, including consulting on tax declaration and payment,…
    • Financial legal consulting, including consulting on accounting, auditing,…
    • Consulting on intellectual property law, including consulting on trademark registration, patent protection,…
    • Investment legal consulting, including consulting on domestic investment, foreign investment,…
    • Consulting on dispute law, including consulting on resolving business and commercial disputes,…

    Regular forms of legal consulting for enterprises include:

    •  Written consultation
    •  Direct consultation at the business office.
    •  Consulting via phone, email,…
    •  Consulting through legal consulting software and applications.

    The condition to use regular legal consulting services for enterprises is that the business must sign a legal consulting service contract with a law firm or lawyer.

    The terms of a regular legal consulting service contract can be agreed upon between the business and the law firm or lawyer. However, enterprises should consider signing a contract with a minimum term of 1 year to ensure continuous and regular legal support.

    The fee for regular legal consulting services for enterprises depends on many factors such as workload, complexity of work, reputation of law firms,… In addition, the fee for regular legal consulting services also depends on the service packages that enterprises choose.

    Every enterprise should use legal consulting services regularly to be able to comply with the law, avoid violations of the law and legal risks, help enterprises make the right business decisions, in accordance with the provisions of the law. In particular, newly established enterprises, enterprises operating in complex fields, enterprises in need of regular legal consulting,.. then regular use of legal consultancy services is essential.

    The answer is definitely yes. Regular legal consulting services bring many benefits to enterprises such as helping enterprises grasp relevant legal regulations, helping enterprises prevent and solve legal risks, helping enterprises save time and costs,…

    VPL’s experience in providing regular legal consulting to enterprises

    When enterprises do not understand the law, they may encounter difficulties such as:

    • Enterprise may be administratively sanctioned if it fails to comply with the provisions of law, such as violating regulations on business registration, violating tax regulations, violating labor regulations,…
    • Enterprises can be sued by their partners in court if they sign illegal contracts.
    • Enterprises may lose intellectual property rights if they do not register for intellectual property protection.
    • Enterprises may lose business opportunities if they do not clearly understand regulations on market management, competition,…

    VPL has a team of qualified lawyers, practical experience in the field of legal consultancy for enterprises and a professional and effective legal consultancy process. With our experience, VPL is committed to providing legal consulting in a comprehensive and detailed manner, providing legal consulting in a timely and effective manner, providing legal consulting in a confidential manner.

    When choosing a law firm or lawyer to use legal consulting services regularly, enterprises need to consider the following factors:

    • Reputation of the law firm or lawyer.
    •  Experience of a law firm or lawyer in the field in which the business needs consulting.
    •  Service costs.

    To use regular legal consulting services, enterprises need to provide the law firm or lawyer with the following information:

    • Enterprise Registration Certificate of the enterprise.
    •  Labor contract of the employee.
    •  Economic contracts of enterprises.
    • Legal documents related to the business activities of the enterprise.

    Learn about VPL’s regular legal consulting services

    VPL has a team of experienced and experts in many fields such as enterprise, investment, labor, commercial business, intellectual property, land,… We are always up to date with the latest legal regulations and are committed to providing effective consulting to your business.

    VPL has a team of lawyers specializing in consulting enterprises. Therefore, when receiving the request of the enterprise, within 24 working hours, the lawyer will consult to the customers through forms such as phone, email, issue legal opinions in writing,… For complex things, which need time to study documents, the Lawyer will notify the time to respond to the consulting opinion to the business.

    VPL has regular legal consulting service packages for enterprises such as: a Basic package, Professional package, prosperity package,… Enterprises can see more here:

    VPL understands that business information is a valuable asset and needs to be protected, so VPL is committed to protecting information for enterprises. VPL commits to use business information carefully and confidentially, only for consulting purposes and not to disclose to any other third party without the consent of enterprises.

    When a business encounters a legal problem, VPL will consult the business in the following steps:

    Step 1: Receive information from the business

    Step 2: Analyze legal issues

    Step 3: Consulting for enterprises

    Step 4: Support enterprises to implement legal solutions

    VPL will consult enterprises comprehensively and accurately, based on the knowledge and experience of VPL’s team of experienced lawyers. VPL will always listen and understand the needs of enterprises to provide the most suitable legal solutions.

    VPL provides legal consultancy services to enterprises nationwide.

    VPL has a team of experienced lawyers and experts who can communicate and consult directly in languages such as English, Chinese , Korean, etc.

    Within 12 working hours of receiving the service quote request, VPL will send a service quote proposal to the information you registered (except for public holidays, Tet holidays and Saturday, Sunday).

    For regular legal consultancy services, when using VPL’s services, customers must pay 50% of the service fee immediately after both parties sign the Legal Service Contract.

    When customers use VPL’s services, VPL will issue full invoices and documents according to the provisions of the Law on Tax Administration.

    When using VPL’s services, there will be a team of experienced lawyers and experts working on behalf of customers, explaining and supplementing documents and documents at the request of competent authorities. Customers only need to prepare documents as required and receive handover results from VPL.